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Reviews: Projects
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"Hampton builds an excellent young adult fantasy firmly grounded not just in otherworldly elements and powerful forces, but a fragile teen's grasp on her mental condition and her place in the world."
-D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review

(Edition 2)

"This book really does a wonderful job grappling with the notion of light and darkness, and how they both reside within us."
-Musing Mystical Magazine

(Edition 2)

"Ambitious, entertaining start to a sexy YA paranormal adventure series."               
Kirkus Review
(Edition 1)


"This journey into the fine line that separates humans and demons is still a brave move in our world where people are just waiting to denounce such narrative constructs as incapable of relating truth. This book delivers that bravery along with the struggle for finding truth."
Goodreads review 

(Edition 1)



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